I took a few photos of "Future" painting in the dark with the black light turned on. The painting images glow below the light. I tried to capture the texts that are added on the mobiles and virtual reality glasses in front of an eye, but unfortunately it's hard to get them crisped clear in the dark with the camera. Here are the photos that I can capture.
The images are a hologram technology with a deaf person and hearing person communicating with each other, mobiles with texts on the screens, virtual reality glasses with texts in front of an eye, small and simple cochlear implant behind the ear, and a video-phone with a person in the screen and a person in front of the screen. In between, there is a head of a person with three hands signing, "Future". This painting conveys the message about current high technologies that enable deaf and hard of hearing people communicate with the hearing world and the possible future new technologies for the deaf and hard of hearing.
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