I performed my two poems in ASL titled "Honeymoon" and "Nightlife" along my original composed electronic music at Lovin' Cup for Def Meets Deaf Poetry Jam ll on Feb. 6h 2010. My work turned out a success with the music and ASL poetry together, which I have been playing around for a few years since I began experimenting the idea. In the photos, you would notice my Mac laptop sitting on the tall chair on stage with the two speakers. The speakers are M-Audio system and it is connected to M-Audio device sitting below my laptop computer. This helps the speakers and my laptop communicate with each other without problems. The speakers are remarkable with sound quality and etc. The equipment costed almost $1,000.00, bought at House of Guitars downtown Rochester, NY. I use GarageBand software in my Mac computer to create the electronic music and the Mac's built-in microphone to record my voice when reciting my poems.
Here are two poems for you to read:
A snow-white frosting
Hugs the lovers’ lips.
It turns into sugared butterflies,
Glistening under the sun.
Melt their wings,
Rested on their sweetened lips.
Rose-colored tongues taste
The honeyed flavor.
The moon turns gold at dusk,
Bathing the roses and the dews,
Ready for the night of romance.
The enraptured lovers gracefully
Walk out, rice-spilled.
Painted amber-colored by the moon,
They split for the rose-tinted paradise
Out on the outskirts of the town.
In their secret temple,
Honey drips, one by one,
Down to their flesh.
Red roses blossom
Around their ecstasy-filled minds,
High with saturated love.
Vanilla flakes flutter down to their bed,
Rich enough to scintillate their tender hearts.
Stars shimmer above
And they glisten down to their eyes, starry-eyed.
The vines entwine them.
Dawn arises during their sleep.
Sweet lullabies sing in their slumbering dreams.
Sunlight warms their flesh,
Asking where the roses are.
Soon the roses open their petals
In their eyes, awakened.
A sweet taste still lingers on their lips
With a kiss, the truth of love glows between them.
Radiating rainbow halo hovered above DJ Jon Herbert's head.
Supersonic speeding electronic tunes bombarded our blood and bones in the crowd,
captivating our overnight dreams, ever lasting, ever amazed.
My inner spirit shimmered like a light that stays on through the night.
Moved my whole prudent presence, surrounded by the beauty of gay men
and free-spirited people, ever connected, ever new.
Pushed and pulled myself until all spun up through the glittery nightlife.
Friends and strangers wriggled and writhed beneath the majestic magical lights,
all bathed in brilliant rainbow hues, ever majestic, ever bright.
Wondered all always would I still dance when I become an old man?
Dreamed upon Andy Warhol whirling wildly among the dancing crowds at nightclubs,
an old man that didn't rock on the chair.
I shall sizzle and sashay with pride as long as I can in the rainbow lights,
ever blissful, ever sustained.
Dance through nightlife.
Dance through nightlife.